


Licenses Enable/Disable


Ability to Enable/Disable Licensed Modules

In previous releases of the software, all licensed modules of eXpress were always “checked out” when the Analyst launched the program. The Enable/Disable eXpress Modules dialog provides the ability to control when individual modules are enabled and disabled. This can be very useful when a fixed number of module licenses are available (via server) for multiple Analysts of eXpress. This dialog can be invoked by selecting “Enable/Disable Modules……” from the main Help menu.
Listed on this dialog are all modules that are either currently available for eXpress, are currently under development, or are planned in the (not-too-distant) future.
Beside each module name is a small box indicating whether that module is
When the software is licensed, there is a button on the far right that lets the Analyst “Enable” the module (if its status is currently “Available”) or “Disable” the module (if it is currently “Enabled”).
In the above window you can see that the User-defined Inference Module is shown as "Available" (licensed) but not enabled (Feature is no longer supported) whereas the ISDD Module is not Licensed. For licensed modules, there is also a dropbox that allows the Analyst to specify whether the module should be automatically enabled (when available) when eXpress is launched, enabled only on demand (disabled until the Analyst tries to use a feature that requires that module), or enabled only using this dialog. Finally, at the bottom of the dialog, there is a dropbox that allows the Analyst to specify whether or not the Enable/Disable eXpress Modules should appear automatically when a licensed module is unavailable.