


Prove Operation with Fewest Tests

Feature Description


What is the purpose of this algorithm?

The Prove Operation with Fewest Tests fault detection algorithm attempts to verify operational integrity using the smallest number of tests. Assuming that the desire to minimize testing implies a certain sense of expediency, the Test Candidate Groupings for this algorithm dictate that all intrusive tests be postponed until all useful non-intrusive tests have been performed. In fact, the groupings for this algorithm are the same as those defined for the algorithm Detect Malfunction with Fewest Tests. Within these groupings, the Test Weightings are set up so that the test that proves the most will be selected first. In other words, the first test in the detection order will be the one that exonerates the set of functions or failure modes with the largest cumulative failure probability. The second detection test selected will be that which proves the most, given that the first test did not fail. And so on.

How was this algorithm implemented?

The following outline describes the full set of test selection criteria defined by this algorithm.
     1. Test Candidate Grouping 1 of 4: Non-Intrusive Tests
          a) Candidate Test Types (4)
               1) All Operational Tests
               2) All User-Initiated Tests
               3) All Signature Tests
               4) Non-intrusive Inspection Tests
          b) Weightings: uses algorithm defaults
          c) Cutoffs: uses algorithm defaults
     2. Test Candidate Grouping 2 of 4: Intrusive Tests
          a) Candidate Test Types (2)
               1) All Probe Tests
               2) Intrusive Inspection Tests
          b) Weightings: uses algorithm defaults
          c) Cutoffs: uses algorithm defaults
     3. Test Candidate Grouping 3 of 4: Individual Net Functions
          a) Candidate Test Types (1)
               1) All Net Functions
          b) Weightings: uses algorithm defaults
          c) Cutoffs: uses algorithm defaults
     4. Test Candidate Grouping 4 of 4: Output Flags
          a) Candidate Test Types (1)
               1) All Output Flags
          b) Weightings: uses algorithm defaults
          c) Cutoffs: uses algorithm defaults
B. Default Test Weightings (4)
     1. Test Weighting 1 of 4: Sum Failure Probability
          a) Priority:         50
          b) Entity:           Failure Probability
          c) Type:            Sum
          d) Domain:        Suspect Functions Proven
          e) Best Equals: Highest
     2. Test Weighting 2 of 4: Sum Failure Probability
          a) Priority:         30
          b) Entity:           Failure Probability
          c) Type:            Sum
          d) Domain:        Suspect Failure Modes Proven
          e) Best Equals: Highest
     3. Test Weighting 3 of 4: Count Number of Functions
          a) Priority:         20
          b) Entity:           Number of Functions
          c) Type:            Count
          d) Domain:        Suspect Functions Proven
          e) Best Equals: Highest
     4. Test Weighting 4 of 4: Count Number of Failure Modes
          a) Priority:         20
          b) Entity:           Number of Failure Modes
          c) Type:            Count
          d) Domain:        Suspect Failure Modes Proven
          e) Best Equals: Highest
C. Default Test Cutoffs (0)