


Design Statistics: Max Dependency Depth

Before Dependency re-editing indicating an error
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After Dependency re-editing
Usage: Also to insure that all Output Function Dependencies are setup Properly. This report is very important to help determine that dependencies are properly set up. Where high Depth numbers are found the Analyst should review the dependencies for that item. In the first example report above the Front and rear Depths are different indicating an error in the dependencies. Examination of the Master cylinder output dependenies of the Aft port to the reservoir indicated a dependecy error. The front cylinder fluid intake was included which was in error. In the real system these two fluid loops are intentionally separated so one cannot cause the other to fail. Correcting this error yielded the revised report shown above. Now the depths show correctly.  In this case the error was on an intentionally designed feedback loop and utilization of the feedback loop report can speed the analysis to correct the problem as the feedback loops show the problem (This is not always the case if the problem is not in a loop)
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