


State Path Views setup


Feature Description


Setting up State path Views

If it is desirable to show the path that state is in this is accomplished by using multiple views. To do this use use custom views as follows.
1) Here a special library was generated to provide symbols with the two desired views. Creating New Symbol Libraries
2) Create the desired views and place them in the Newly generated Symbol Library with a description
Note: Each view must have a different Description given when placed in the symbol Library so it can be selected by Description (Right hand Mouse button on the view in Library)
3) The model illustration shows two way valves in a model.
Note: To use multiple views the States must be created first.
4) To add a new view drag the view over the top of the existing view. If the existing Object has states the window shown at the right will open. Select Add view
5) Now whwn the state is selcted the Symbol view can be chosen that represents the path for that state in any test that contains the state, as shown in the ilustrations below

Testing with State Views

Test for AB showing the path to B
Test for AC showing the path to C