


Adding and Naming Ports


Feature Description

Ports can be added to a single object or to several objects as a batch.
The Design Editing toolbar (located by default on the left side of the eXpress program window) is used to add ports to a selected object.
Note: when adding ports, be sure to be in standard editing mode.

Adding Ports:

On the Design Editing toolbar, click on the icon that corresponds to the type of port to be added:
Add an Input Port              (left side )
Add an Output Port           (Right side)
Add a Bidirectional Port     (Bottom)
Add a Control Port             (Top)
Add an Unused Port          (Bottom)
Ports can be added to multiple selected objects at the same time by selecting multiple Objects before selecting port type to add

Naming Ports (3 methods):

1) To name a net select the port and Place the new name in the context panel window designated Abbreviation as shown to the right. Name will appear as shown  to the left.
2) Names may also be added to ports in Grid View.
3) Ports connected to named nets may automatically be named by the net name by checking the "Automatic Naming from Net" check box in the context panel when the port is selected as shown to the left here. If the nets is coming from an output port that is also not named both porrts can be named at the same time by selecting both and checking "Automatic Naming from Net" This can many times save modeling time