


Batch Ports Addition


Feature Description

Batch mode Add Ports left toolbar ICON

How to Add Batches of Ports

Batches of Ports can be added to one or more objects using the Batch Add Ports dialog.  Note: when adding ports, be sure to be in standard editing mode.
With an Object selected, then when "Batch Add Ports" Icon is selected the above window will open. This allows the Analyst to select:  "Number of Ports to create" "Type of Ports to Create", "Location" to Place ports (right, left, top, bottom),  Naming Style for Ports: "Prefix" if desired, "Sequence Number" "Sequence Letter" "No Sequence""Suffix" if desired.
NOTE:  Batch Add Ports can also be called from the main Toolbat Design Menu  "Objects - Add Ports - Batch".
Select Object & ICON    
Design Menu - Objects - Add Ports - Batch
Fill out window below    
Resulting Ports