


Category Column


Feature Description

Although it is not included In the eXpress eXpress Model topology export format, a Category column can be used to classify, organize and apply appearance properties to objects, nets and I/O flags imported by the eXpress Spreadsheet Topology Import. The Category column is a free-form field—there are no constraints on the format of the data in this column.  Each unique value that appears one or more times in this column will be treated as a separate category during importing. Values that appear in rows for which the Object column is filled out will be used as categories for imported objects. Likewise, if the Net column or I/O Flag column are filled out, the categories will be used for nets or I/O flags.
Options for applying categories during importing are available on the corresponding options panel. Specifically,
  • the use of object categories is defined on the Object Appearance panel (tab) as shown here
  • the use of net categories can also be defined on the Net Appearance panel
  • the use of I/O flag categories can also be defined on the I/O Flag Options panel
    Note: the "Create Checklist Attribute box needs to be checked if the Category value is to be assigned to a Checklist attribute when the import takes place and the model does not already contain a Category Checklist Attribute.
    The panel below shows how the imported category will appear inthe model context panel