


Copying Failure Modes to Other Objects


Feature Description

You can now copy failure modes between different objects. Simply right-click on the object and select "Failure Modes" - “Copy Failure Modes to Other Objects” from the new Failure Modes section of the pop-up context menu for objects.

How to copy Failure Modes to other Objects

With Object Selected (C7)  that has failure modes to be copied, choose the option as shown to the right
Window shown below will open showing all objects that do not have the failure modes selected.
Note use of Filter (C) to reduce possible objects
Select failure modes to be copied and Item(s) to receive Failure Modes (Rear Pump)
On the left-hand side of the dialog, select the failure modes that you wish to copy. Then, on the right-hand side, select the objects to which you wish them to be copied (a text filter has been provided to help you locate objects in large models). Finally, click on the “Copy” button to perform the operation.
When Copy is choosen the window shown below will open allowing the Failure modes to be copied when the Analyst chooses "Yes"
Remember, if no failure modes are highlighted on the left, no objects will be listed on the right.
This feature is very good for copying Open and Short failure modes from one decoupling capacitor to all the rest at one time as shown below.  Many models have hundreds of resistors and decoupling capacitors so Copy Failure Modes is an important feature of eXpress.
Notice the Percentages and Affected Functions are identical to the one copied.
This dialog is non-modal, meaning that you can select new elements in the eXpress design without closing this dialog.  If you wish to select a new source object, click on the icon depicting a gray component at the top of the left-hand window  on the dialog. Then select the desired object in the main design window of eXpress or in the Explorer tree.
If, on the right, you wish to only list objects that are selected in the design, enable the “Constrain List to Selections”  checkbox just below the right-hand window on the dialog. This window will then only list objects that are selected in the main eXpress window (or the Explorer tree)—provided that they do not already have the failure modes selected on the left.
Remember, if no failure modes are highlighted on the left, no objects will be listed on the right.
When the same ports exist on both the source and destination objects (and the same conventions have been used  naming functions), eXpress can maintain the failure mode to function mappings on the new object—even though a different object name is included (via template) in the function name. If you are careful, you can eliminate a lot of effort using this feature!!