


Having eXpress create Functional Failure Modes


Feature Description

With Objects Selected "Create Failure modes for Output Functions" as shown below. If this method is used the analyst should be sure the output functions read the way they want the failure mode to read. This is a good choice for illustrative models but may not be adequate for large models with full up Failure Mode/Failure Effect FMECA's and FTA's

How to Create Functional Failure modes automatically

With Desired Object(s) selected choose Faillure modes from the design tab ot the eXpress Main Menu.
Functional Failure modes can be generated for any part or all of the model at one time by selecting the objects output functions to have functional failure modes made for them.
In many cases the automatic generated failure mode may need to be augmented to amplify how it failed (example failed open, failed short, failed high, failed Low). 
Where multiple failure modes are needed for a single output function this method should not be used or the failure mode generated should be edited to include the multiple cases and set the percentages.
In a like manner the eXpress tool can automatically generate Object Failure Effects for each defined Object Failure Mode and automatically define Design Failure Effects for each Object Failure Effect. This Approach is not normally recommended as the quantity of Design Failure Effects is very high and not combined in a desirable manner. Since the testing of a system is to find failures the evolution of eXpress development has now designed a better approach linking the FMECA Failure modes and Failure Effects to the Testing of the System. This approach requires manual defintion of Object failure modes and Object failure Effects but yields a much better and real world FMECA and FTA approach.