


Deleting Duty cycle lists


Feature Description

Duty cycle lists can be deleted from the design using a variety of methods. Once deleted, a duty cycle list is permanently removed from the model. An exception to this is when the Analyst deletes the baseline duty cycles list , in which case a new baseline list (containing default values) is automatically created by the software.

How To Delete Duty Cycle Lists

Begin by highlighting one or more duty cycle lists in the Explorer Tree.
Choose "Delete..." from the Edit menu.
Alternative 1: Right-click on any of the highlighted duty cycle lists and select "Delete".
Alternative 2: Choose "Delete..." from the Duty Cycle Lists submenu within the Design menu.
Alternative 3: All duty cycle lists can be removed from the design by selecting "Delete All.." from the Duty Cycle Lists submenu within the Design menu (this operation can be invoked with nothing selected).
Note: when deleted, the baseline duty cycles list will be automatically re-generated (containing default values) by the software.