


Link Object to Assembly


Feature Description

To Link an Object to a lower Level model:
  • Select the Object "Front Damper Chamber"
  • Use the right hand mouse button to open the window as shown at the right
  • Select "Hierarchy" to open next window and select  "Link" to open window shown below
  •  Answer Yes to open Windows Explorer shown below
Select lower level model "Damper" and "Open"
Object will now show up as an Assembly in the Design Window and as an Assembly Link in Data Source Administration.
If ports on the top level are bloomed as shown here the port names do not agree so the Linking was not successful. This can be corrected in Data Source Administration Assembly Links Port Rollup Controls or by renaming the ports to agree at both levels and re-saving the bottom model.
Top Level ports that were not on the top model when linked will be in the upper left hand corner of the object and may be stacked on top of each other. Use Port Auto-Distribute Settings button to distribute them.