


Selecting Ports to be connected together


Feature Description

If you have a lot of unconnected ports, you can simplify net creation by selecting (highlighting) objects before invoking the Net Assistant. The list of unconnected ports on the left side of the dialog will be filtered to contain only ports on the selected objects. By using the List Complementary ports check box only the opposite polarity Unconnected ports will show
Shown here, when "P1-3::LFWSS" is chosen, the right hand window shows all the unconnected ports so the port(s) can be connected. The desired port(s) is selected causing the "Connect" Button to change from gray to black so it can be chosen.  When the Connect button is selected the two nets shown below will turn green indicating they have been selected to be connected together. Multiple choises can be made until each Unconnected port in the left window is selected to be connected to the chosen Unconnected port in the right panel. When an Unconnected Port in the right panel is chosen it will no longer be shown as unconnected even though the connection will not be made until the Done button is chosen.
The connection will not be made until the "Done" button at the bottom is selected at which time the window below will appear so the connection(s) can be made or discarded. When "View" is selected all the potential connections will show in the left window so the Analyst can review them then  "Implement" them or "Discard" them