


What Can eXpress Do


The eXpress software can be used to perform numerous engineering tasks. It possesses key import and export capabilities to enable a high degree of automation on many tasks. Furthermore, eXpress  reports produce the numbers needed in support of these engineering efforts:
Design Capture
  • New Designs
  • Legacy Designs 
  • Multi-Discipline Designs
  • Support for Unlimited Hierarchy
  • Dynamic Model Support
  • Maintenance Design Elements
Testing and Diagnostics
  • Testability Assessment / Analysis
  • Test Concept Exploration
  • BIT Assessment and Sensor Optimization
  • Diagnostic Strategy Development and Optimization
  • Diagnostic Reasoner Assessment
Reliability Engineering Support
Health Management Framework
  • IVHM - Integrated Vehicle Health Management
  • ISHM - Integrated System Health Management
  • IPHM - Integrated Prognostics Health Management
Support of Maintainability Engineering
  • Generate "Mean-Time-To" Statistics
  • Generate "Mean-Cost-To" Statistics
  • Calculate Inherent Availability
  • Maintenance Troubleshooting Strategies
  • Deployable XML diagnostic sequencing
  • IETM Support
  • Reduce Life Cycle Cost (LLC) by improving diagnostics
Validation and Verification
  • Desktop Fault Insertion (DFI)
  • Design Validation & Verification
  • FMECA Validation
  • Evaluation of Diagnostic Effectiveness
Operational & Maintenance Environments
Provides Framework for:
  • Deployable XML diagnostic sequencing
  • Runtime Environments and Platforms
  • Diagnostic Design vs Historical Performance
  • IETM Support
Other Specialty Areas
  • Prognostics Design Considerations
  • 1553 Bus modeling
  • IETM Development
  • Optimization of Test Point / Sensor Placement
  • Interoperability
In addition to providing diagnostic design and analysis capabilities, eXpress interoperablility and data sharing/migration outputs can be utilized in Test, Manufacturing, Verification / Validation Demonstrations, Operational Environments, Maintenance and Support Operations.  The ability to transition data, information and knowledge forward throughout the life cycle is a key strength to the DSI ISDD products.  Contact DSI for more information.