


Test Display Options

Feature Description

In the Explorer Tree, tests are by default alphabetically sorted alphabetically by test abbreviation. You can now define alternate test display names using the new Test Display Options dialog:
This dialog can be invoked by right-clicking on the “TEST SETS” folder in the Explorer Tree and then selecting “Test Display Options…” from the Display section of the menu.
This dialog can also be invoked by selecting “Test Display Options…” from the Tests section of the main Design menu.
The Test Display Options dialog allows you to specify how display names will be constructed by selecting one of six pre-defined templates. Each template presents a different combination of the test abbreviation and/or the values of up to two test Attributes. You can also specify the delimiter used to separate the different parts of the display name.
In the example at right, the display name for each test will be created by appending the test’s abbreviation to the value from the “Test Order” Attribute for that test—the two values being separated by three colons.
To show test display names in the Explorer Tree, select “Display Using Test Display Names” from the menu depicted above.
The test names will then be displayed—and the tests in each test set will be alphabetically sorted by—the test display name (as shown in the example at left).
Any text or integer-based Attribute value can be used in a test display name. For instance, when tests have been assigned a special code—such as a fault code or a code that uniquely identifies that test within an IETM or test procedure—that code can be included in the displayed test name.