


Copying Tests


Feature Description

Tests can be copied to reduce the amount of entry required when creating many tests that are very similar in their definition. It can also be used to reuse test definitions from other models, although this is less often the case due to significant differences between different models.

How To Copy Tests

Choose "Copy" from the "Edit" menu.
Alternative 1: Use the Copy icon on the Standard toolbar.
Alternative 2: Right-click on any of the highlighted tests and select "Copy"

What To Do with Copied Tests

Once tests have been copied, they can be pasted in these ways:
Note: Although copying between models can reduce the effort of developing tests (in particular, all of the names, descriptions and settings associated with the different tests), the Analyst should be aware that the internal IDs of the selected test locations and stimuli may be different in seemingly similar models, resulting in differences between the calculated coverage for the original and copied tests. When copied between models, the pasted tests should always be reviewed for accuracy.