


Export for DSI Workbench (dynamic)


Feature Description


New DiagML Configuration: “Export for DSI Workbench (dynamic)”

A new export configuration has been added to the DiagML export dialog—“Export for DSI Workbench (dynamic)”.
This mode is similar to the existing “Export for DSI Workbench” configuration, with the following differences:
·     Test prerequisites are not exported
·     Diagnostic strategies and procedures are not exported
·     Repair Items (normally included under a diagnostic procedure) are included in the Diagnostic Data section
·     Maintenance Data is not exported
Also, to support this configuration, the “Diagnostic Data” entry on the DiagML Options dialog now has three states
(empty checkbox, blue checkmark and red checkmark). The red checkmark indicates that diagnostic data will be
exporting for dynamic diagnostics (the name of this option changes to reflect this). Also, when this state is selected,
the only sub-option will be to include Repair Items (the others are removed from the option tree)