


File Pull-Down Menu

The File Pull-Down menu (shown below) provides the Analyst with options for loading, saving, and printing a design.
File Pull-Down Menu

Open New Design

(Basic Template

1. Open New Design 
(Basic Template
Use the "New" submenu to create a new "eXpress design", "eXpress diagnostic study" or "eXpress FMECA " study by choosing the desired ICON and selecting "Create".
If a new "eXpress diagnostic study" or "eXpress FMECA " study is requested a window as shown to the right will open asking if the study should be linked to an existing model. If a model is already open the Diagnostic or FMECA Study will be linked to that model when "Yes" is selected. If Multiple eXpress Models are open it will be linked to the last one selected in the design window. If no model is open the Diagnostic window will not be linked.

New Design From Template...

2. New Design From Template...
Create a new eXpress design using a customized template.  This is useful when multiple people are working on the same project.


3. Open...
Open an existing selected eXpress model file.


4. Close
Close the current eXpress model file


5. Save
Save the currently open eXpress model file.
Ctrl+s = Save

Save As...

6. Save As...
Use this when saving a model for the first time by giving it a file/model name.  Subsequent files can be save with revision numbers appended to the original file name.

Hierarchical Save...

7. Hierarchical Save...
Saves all lower level models.  This is useful if files are moved / copied to a new location and need to have links revalidated.

Hierarchical Save As...

8. Hierarchical Save As...
Used to do a save as with a new name. Useful when several variations of a model are needed. The Analyst can recreate the model with a new name, date or revision number very rapidly. Hierarchical Save As also changes all the internal eXpress ID numbers which can be very useful if a person has copied and pasted a model in Microsoft Windows [A NO-NO for single models which are part of a model set] to achieve multiple copies of lower level models, (each of which is to be slightly modified for its usage). This method of copy does not change the internal eXpress numbers. This can result in eXpress errors but which can be easily corrected using Hierarchical Save As of the whole model set.


9. Import
Often data useful for eXpress will already exist in another format (such as a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet). The Import submenu provides the ability to import data for a variety of eXpress attributes (including Reliability, Cost, Time, and other Analyst-defined attributes for use in an eXpress diagnostic or FMECA study) . For details See Data Source Administration.


10. Export
The Export submenu contains a context-sensitive list of commands for exporting eXpress in external formats.


11. Print...
Prints the Design Sheet View

General Options...

12. General Options...
Provides panel to set various options within eXpress - See Setting up General Options

List of Recent Files

13. List of Recent Files
Provides a list of the most recent files that have been opened.  This provides a quick access method to load recently worked model files.


14. Exit
Exits the eXpress program.  This is the same as clicking on the "X" in the upper right corner.