


Test Weightings - Creating


Feature Description


Creating Test Weightings

The default test weighting definitions included with each diagnostic algorithm are based primarily on characteristics related to design reliability (e.g., failure probability) and topology (e.g., number of detected functions/failure modes). There are times, however, when the Analyst may wish to add weightings based on other criteria (e.g., Test Cost/Time).

How To Create New Weightings

View the test weighting definitions for the selected diagnostic algorithm.
Click on the plus icon that appears above the list of weighting definitions on the options panel. The Weighting Parameter dialog will appear.
Use the dropboxes on the Weighting Parameter dialog to set up the desired parameter Test limits for the new weighting definition.
Click on the "Accept" button to add a new test weighting using the specified parameter Test limits.
Note: As different parameter Test limits are selected for the new weighting definition, the text description of that weighting (which appears at the bottom of the Weighting Parameter dialog) will be updated.