


Filtering a feedback list

Feature Description

As you highlight functions in the browser (in the example above, an output function has been highlighted), the appropriate context panel will be displayed beneath the design drawing window. Because the Feedback Loop & Dependency browser is a “stay-on-top” dialog, functions can be edited directly on the context panel without closing the browser. After editing, you can update the loops in the browser by clicking on the Rescan button at the top of the dialog.

Filtering a Feedback loop listing

Using the Browser to Expedite Dependency Editing
You can also use the Feedback Loop & Dependency Browser to quickly edit dependencies for functions that are not involved in a loop. Select “Entire Design” in the dropbox at the top of the dialog. The panels will now be filled out with all functions in the design. You can then use the text filter to reduce the number of functions in the list. Then, simply click on the desired function and edit its dependencies on the displayed context panel.
If one or more objects, ports or nets are selected prior to invoking the browser, then “Selected Elements” will appear in the dropbox at the top of the dialog. Along with the filter and the trace, this option can really simplify function editing—especially in larger models.

Selecting an Object in the feedback loop

 Here we see an enhanced brighter image as the result of Selecting the RF Disk Assy