


Manual Net Creation using the mouse


Feature Description

Nets are created using two special editing modes: the All Nets Editing Mode and the Net Editing Mode. In these modes it is possible to create and join nets, as well as adding ports and subtracting ports connections from an existing net.

How To Create Nets Manually -

Enter the All Nets Editing Mode (by clicking on the Net Editing icon on the Design Editing toolbar, for instance).
Display one of the ports to which the net will be connected by moving the mouse pointer over the object that has that port.
Move the mouse pointer over the port to be connected to the net (the port must not already be attached to a net). When the mouse pointer displays as a plus sign, click on the port. The Net Editing Mode will be invoked for the net being created.
Repeat step 3 for each additional port to be attached to the net. Once two ports are connected, the net will appear (and will automatically re-route for each additional port connection).
After all port connections have been defined for a net, click on the background of the main design window to return to the All Nets Editing Mode. To create another net, repeat the process above, beginning at step 2. 
Mouse cursor symbols when adding or deleting net connections
  • Red - Cursor symbol over a connected port with a selected net in add net mode (For deleting connection)
  • Green - Cursor symbol over unconnected port with a selected net in add net mode (For Adding to selected Net)
  • White - Cursor symbol when not over top of a port with a selected net  in Add net mode
Note: Nets are normally routed as "Full path"  Holding the "shift" key down when creating a net will cause the net to be created as a "STUB"
Net Editing