


Detaching Ports from Nets


Feature Description

Once a net has been created, ports can easily be removed from (or additional ports attached to) that net in Net Editing Mode.

How To Detach Ports

Enter Net Editing mode (by double-clicking on the net to be edited, for instance).
Move the mouse cursor over any port that is currently connected to the selected net. The mouse cursor will change to display a minus sign. Click on that port to detach it from the selected net.
Note: If, as a net is first defined, a port is accidentally connected to the net, it can be easily removed by re-clicking on the port (as described in step 2 above).
Keep in mind that you can not detach a port from a net that you are not editing. To edit a different net while in the Net Editing Mode, simply highlight that net by clicking on it. Any net with only one port will be deleted if it is unhighlighted or the Net Editing Mode is exited.
After attaching or detaching the nets, it is a good idea to Examine the Net Functions to look for any unexpected results. It is also a good idea to perform a few other checks to ensure that the join did not cause wider reaching changes.