On the lower portion of the Main Topology Import Panel are eight dropboxes that are used to establish the types of data that will be imported into the eXpress model and from which columns in the specified spreadsheet file they will be imported. Each of these dropboxes corresponds to one of the columns that is exported by the eXpresseXpress Model topology export. These dropboxes are as follows:
Object Name Column - used to specify the column containing the names of the objects to be imported. Along with the I/O Flag name column, this is the only column that lists all columns from all worksheets in the specified spreadsheet file. The other dropboxes only list column headers from the same sheet selected in one of these columns.
Port Name Column - used to specify the column containing the names of the ports to be imported. This field is only enabled when either the Object Name or I/O Flag Name column is selected. If a column is not selected using this dropbox, then objects will be imported with no ports.
Flow Direction Column - used to specify the column containing the flow direction (input, output, bidirectional, control) of the port(s) specified in the same row of the spreadsheet. This field is only enabled when the Port Name column has been selected. If a column is not selected using this dropbox, then all imported ports will be bidirectional.
Function Name Column - used to specify the column containing the names of Analyst output functions to be imported. This field is only enabled when the Port Name column has been selected. If a column is not selected using this dropbox, then a single automatic output function will be created for each imported output port.
Dependencies Column - used to specify the column containing names of the input ports that are dependencies of the output function(s) specified in that same row in the spreadsheet. This field is only enabled when the function name column has been selected. If a column is not selected using this dropbox, then each output function will automatically depend on all of its object's input bidirectional and control ports.
Object States Column - used to specify the column containing the names of the object states for which either 1) the output functions lists in that spreadsheet row are active functions, or 2) the input ports listed in that spreadsheet row are control dependencies. This field is only enabled when the function name column has been selected. If a column is not selected using this dropbox, then object states will not be imported.
Net Name Column - used to specify the column containing the names of the nets to be imported. This field is only enabled when the Port Name column has been selected. If a column is not selected using this dropbox, then no nets will be imported.