


Auto Connect Net Naming & Routing Options


Feature Description


How to use Auto Connect

The Auto-Connect operation provides three different methods for naming newly-created nets:
Use Object::Port Abbreviations - the net abbreviation is created by appending the abbreviation of one of the connected ports to the abbreviation of its associated object (an output port will be used wherever possible). When this method is selected, the "Use Source and Destination" checkbox indicates that both source and destination object/port abbreviations should be reflected in the net abbreviation.  Also, the "Enforce Uniqueness" checkbox can be used to specify whether or not numbers should be appended to the net abbreviations to ensure that they are unique.
Use Port Abbreviations - the net abbreviation is set to the abbreviation of one of its connected ports (again, an output port, if possible). The "Use Source and Destination" and "Enforce Uniqueness" checkbox can also be enabled or disabled for this method.
Create Unique Abbreviations - a unique abbreviation will be created by appending a number to a given string (specified by the Analyst in the "Root" field that is enabled when this method is selected).
In addition to the net naming method, the Analyst can specify the routing method to be used for the newly-created nets. By default, net stubs will be used for all net connection methods except "Selected Ports on Adjacent Objects" (which uses full paths by default).