


Setting up Design Options


Feature Description

The Design Options panels define basic defaults in eXpress. These rarely need to be changed and and should be left as default until the Analyst has a full understanding of eXpress. The help section here is therefore somewhat abbreviated. Cotact DSI if you need further understanding of these defaults.
Selecting the eXpress Main Menu Options as shown to the right will open the selection window shown below with the design Sheet as the default tab selection. Three other window are available for changing the Defaults as shown below. Changing the defaults is recomended only for Advanced users.
Selects Language, Defaults to English with Chinese and English as options. If the used language is not English contact DSI before changing this option.
Selects Auto backup defaults
Set to 30 minutes.
Allows Analyst to post a message as model is opened. The message must be defined as a Design Attribute and specified here