


Text Options

Feature Description


Import Text Options

The Text Options panel on the Topology Import Options dialog contains fields that allow the Analyst to customize the appearance of text on objects and the appearance, placement and size of annotations that are imported using the eXpress Spreadsheet Topology Import. This panel can be accessed by clicking on one of the "Options..." buttons on the Main Topology Import Panel and then selecting the Text Options tab on the Topology Import Options dialog. The Text Options options panel appears as follows:
The first four dropboxes on this panel are used to specify the spreadsheet columns that contain format information to be applied to abbreviations of imported objects.
The expected formats of the Font Type Column, Font Size Column, Text Color Column, and Justification Column are those produced by the eXpress Model topology export.
The Font Type Prefixes checkboxes are active when the Font Type Column is selected. There is a prefix for each of the three style options (bold, italics and underline). The checkbox beside each prefix specifies whether that prefix should be taken into consideration during importing.
The next five dropboxes are used to select the spreadsheet column that contains the names of annotations to be imported, as well as columns containing appearance, placement and size information about the annotations.
The formats of the Annotation Column, Location Column, Size Column, Symbol Column and Color Column must correspond to those created by the eXpress Model topology export.
The Annotation Symbol Prefixes checkboxes are active when the Symbol Column has been selected on this panel. The first three of these prefixes (the tilde, bang and at sign) refer to the orientation (flipped horizontally, flipped vertically, rotated) of the annotation symbol. The fourth prefix (the circumflex) is used to specify that the spreadsheet entry represents a background annotation. The checkbox for each prefix is used to specify whether or not that prefix should be taken into consideration during importing.
At the bottom of the panel are three checkboxes under the section Automatic Annotation Frames. These checkboxes allow the Analyst to specify that background annotations should be automatically placed around the entire import (with separate frames around duplications, if applicable), around each block of imported objects (as specified on the Object Placement panel) or around each set of imported I/O flags. These background annotations will be placed behind any annotations that are specified within the spreadsheet.