Flow Diagram Option views
Feature Description
Flow Diagram Options:
Following is a description of each Selected Flow diagram options shown to the right
Not shown - Explicit inferences and Fault codes, These would also be included in the Detection Column (left column) if chosen
 Node Name
Sequence number of the Test Flow - default = "Selected"
 Test Abbrieviation
Name of the Test - default = "Selected"
 Test Outcomes
& Descriptions
Test outcomes includesTest Failure Action with its description, Test Pass Action with its description - default = "Not Selected"
 Test Priority
Test Priority - default = "Not Selected"
 Test Type
Test Type - default = "Selected"
 Fault Group ID
The Fault Group number of this Ambiguity set - default = "Selected"
 Fault Group Size
Size of the Ambiguity set - default = "Selected"
 Fault Group Item(s)
List of Objects in Fault /Group - default = "Selected"