


Occurrence Overview


Feature Description

For a given failure, the Risk Priority Number (RPN)  Occurrence factor is derived from the failure rate of the object associated with that failure and the percentage of that item’s overall failures that are attributable to that failure.
The calculation also takes into consideration the expected useful life of the item—either the repair item (object) or the item under test (the full system). The standard calculation involves the following steps:
Q = 1 – e-λt
where λ is the failure’s failure rate (in failures per hour) and t is the Occurrence Time Interval (also in hours).

Calculating the RPN Values using Special Occurence Attributes

RPN Occurence calculations can overide the normal calculated values by creating an attributes for failure effects called “OccurenceRating”, “OccurenceTimeInterval” or “OccurenceMap”. When one or more of these attributes are included as columns in an eXpress FMECA chart, the calculated RPN will use these values (rather that the automatic calculations) as the corresponding factor.