


Pasting Test Sets

Feature Description

Test Sets can be copied and Pasted in order to reduce work. They can be copied within a model with the intent to change the title to derive a new similar test set or they can be copied and pasted into a simular but different model that is a slight variation from the one from where they were copied.

How to Paste Test Sets

Test Sets that have been Cut Cutting Test Sets or Copied Copying Test Sets can be pasted using the menu showing at the right. Choose existing test set or TEST SETS Icon to open menu shown at right with Right Hand Mouse button
The tests will be 100% good only if they were created in the existing model and had passed Local Test Error checks before being copied.
This feature is very good where multiple simular lower level models with minor variances exist. The pasted lower level tests can then be corrected faster than building them from scratch.
Choose "Paste" from the Edit menu.
Alternative 1: Use the Paste icon on the Standard toolbar.
Alternative 1: Right-click on a test set folder within the Explorer Tree and select "Paste" from the pop-up context menu.