


Virtual Test Sets

Feature Description


Virtual Test Sets

You can now include tests in multiple test sets to support different diagnostic cases studies without creating duplicate test definitions. This is done by creating Virtual Test Sets—test sets that do not themselves contain test definitions, but rather use Analyst-specified rules to determine which tests (defined in other test sets) are to be included in each set.
To create a virtual test set, simply right-click on the main TEST SETS folder and then select “New Virtual Test Set…” from the popup context menu (you can also create nested virtual test sets by right-clicking on an existing test set). Assign a test set name as you would for a regular test set.
Virtual test sets are displayed with a square “T” icon in the Explorer Tree (the icon’s color reflects each virtual test set’s usage). Unlike regular test sets, you cannot view the tests
associated with a virtual test set in the Design or All Test Sets editing modes.
When you select or double-click on a virtual test set in the Explorer Tree, the Virtual Rules panel will display in the context panel. This panel is used to set up the conditions for populating the selected virtual test set:
In the example above, the virtual test set will be populated with all tests for which the BIT Type Attribute contains the letters “PBIT”.  You can combine up to four rules when populating a single virtual test set. The rules are evaluated in the order they have been created:
In the Test Set editing mode, you can view the tests that have been assigned to the selected test set. These are the same tests that exist in the source test set—if you edit one of these tests, it will be edited in the original test set and in all other virtual test sets to which that test is assigned. All editing features are enabled for tests in virtual test sets; the only things you cannot do is delete the test or move it to another test set.
You can control how virtual test sets are displayed when selecting test candidates in a diagnostic study.  For each of the candidates lists, an icon appears in the upper-right corner when at least one virtual test set can be included in that list. By clicking on this icon, you toggle between showing all test sets, only virtual test sets or only non-virtual (regular) test sets.
In the example at right, only virtual test sets are displayed on the Detection Candidates panel.