


Text Filter Boxes in Explorer Tree

Text filter boxes have been added to the Explorer Tree for the “All Nets”, “All Test Sets”, “Test Set” and “Operating Modes” editing modes (they also appear in the new “Objects”, “Fault Templates”, "Test Coverage", "Test Inheiritance", and “Maintenance Plans” editing modes).
These text filters are particularly useful when working with large or unfamiliar designs, since they can quickly reduce the size of the displayed tree to contain only desired elements. In the example at right, for instance, the list of all test sets has been filtered to show only tests with “Sensor” in their abbreviation.
Another case where text filters can be extremely useful is in the “All Nets” editing mode. For large designs, the list of nets is sometimes so long that it is nearly unmanageable. Having the ability to filter to just the desired nets can be extremely useful. You can even display only unnamed nets by typing “<Untitled>” into the filter box.
Here we see a whole Test Set with no Filter. Below we see the results with the use of a filter
Choosing Filter "Piston" Reduces the list to just those tests with the word "Piston" showing in the tree
Here we see the use of a filter to reduce the number of items shown in the coverage of a test on the Context Panel "Test Coverage" panel, the text filter will simplify the task of editing test coverage when objects have a large number of functions or failure modes. Here the Test Coverage Funtions shown are Limited to those that contain the word "LED" to aid in down-selecting the number of entries so a selection can be made easily.
Here we see using 2 filters used at the same time when selecting hiearchical tests on the "Manage Hierarchical Tests" panel for inhierance or update.