


Creating and Importing Symbols


Feature Description

New symbols can be created in several ways. Regardless of how the symbol is created, it can subsequently be used like any other symbol.
How To Create New Symbols from one or more Objects
This technique can be used not only to add individual symbols to a library, but also to construct new symbols by placing several objects together in a unique way. This method can even be used to create pictures of entire designs for use in higher level models (just select everything prior to copying).
Copy one or more objects from the design window.
Navigate to inside of a symbol library in the Symbol Library window (there should be no directories or other libraries showing).
Right-click in the Symbol Library window.
Select "Paste" from the pop-up context menu.
If multiple objects are being pasted simultaneously, a prompt will appear asking whether the objects should be added as individual symbols within the library or as a single combined symbol. Click on the appropriate button to add the symbol(s).
If there are ports on the selected object(s), a prompt will appear asking whether the new symbols should contain ports with abbreviations, ports without abbreviations, or no ports. Click on the appropriate button on this prompt. 
How To Import Symbols from other Programs
Copy a bitmap or other drawing from within another program
Navigate to inside of a symbol library in the Symbol Library window (there should be no directories or other libraries showing).
Right-click in the Symbol Library window.
Select "Paste" from the pop-up context menu.
How To Add "Missing" Symbols to a Library
The "Add Missing Symbol(s) to Library" operation scans the entire symbol library structure and, for any selected objects for which it does not find the corresponding symbol in the libraries, adds the symbol to the active library.
Navigate to inside of the desired symbol library in the Symbol Library window (there should be no directories or other libraries showing).
Select the objects to be evaluated by this operation (it is usually easiest to select all objects and let eXpress determine which symbols to add).
Right-click on one of the selected objects (or on the design background).
Alternative: Select the Objects submenu within the Design menu
Choose "Add Missing Symbol(s) to Library" from the Special submenu.