


Globally Destructive Operations Warnings

Globally destructive operations (such as those that "Delete all" items from a design or "Reset All") now display a red “User Beware” banner on the confirmation prompt and require that the "Shift key" on the keyboard be held down as you click on the “Yes” button.
This behavior can be customized on the “Other Options” panel of the General Options dialog, where the Analyst can select to allow Yes-clicking without the Shift key, or to disable globally destructive operations altogether.
NOTE:   These are Strong Caution Warnings:
Deleting All Objects is a non-reversable operation. The only time an analyst might do this is to save the attached Attribute template and Title blocks (Title, proprietary statement, Security Statement) on the model in order to begin a new model. Also this new model will contain any subsets, states, tests etc. that were in the original model but they will all be bad and should also be deleted also which can cause more warnings of this type. Then after completing this operation the analyst should save the object-less model with a new name immediately so as not to lose the original model.
Reseting All Input filter functions are non-reversable operations. 
Reseting All output filter functions are non-reversable operations. 
Deleteing all Object States is a non-reversable operation. 
Deleteing all Object State Control Dependencies is a non-reversable operation. 
Deleteing all Design States is a non-reversable operation. 
Deleteing all Atrtributes is a non-reversable operation. 
Using these operations in a wrong manner can result in hours of rework restoring lost setups. Recommend saving model when planning to do this so it can be resurrected if not what the Analyst wants. To complete these operations the shift key must be held down.