


FMECA Navigation Tree


Feature Description 

When you generate an eXpress FMECA chart, the left-hand panel (previously empty) within the FMECA  Study is now populated with a tree that can be used to quickly navigate the FMECA  
Above the tree—just to the right of the “Generate FMECA” icon—are three new icons   that can be used to change the contents of the navigation tree. Select the first icon (“Show FMECA Failures”) to fill the tree with the object failure effects that, based on the settings on the Hierarchy panel, are treated as line item failures within the eXpress FMECA (and are listed in the “Failures” column of the FMECA chart). When the second icon (“Show FMECA Effects”) is selected, the tree is filled with all end item effects—that is, all top-level design effects from the End Item Failure Effects column of the FMECA chart. The third icon (“Show Fault Trees”) fills the navigation tree with a list of Reliability Fault Trees that have been calculated for this model, based on settings on the FTA Options panel (this feature is only available when the eXpress FTA Module has been licensed).
When you select one or more entries in the navigation tree, the FMECA chart will display only rows that are related to the highlighted entries. If, for instance, the tree contains FMECA Failures, the FMECA chart will display only those rows that contain the selected failure in the “Failures” column. When the tree contains FMECA Effects, the chart will contain only those failures that propagate to one or more of the selected effects in the navigation tree.


In the example below, the tree—which is filled with FMECA Failures— has been selection filtered to include only failures to Battery. These entries have all been selected so that only Battery failures are displayed in the FMECA


At the bottom of the tree is a text filter box that can also be used to reduce the size of the tree. In this example, the tree— which is filled with FMECA Effects—has been filtered to include only effects whose name contains the string " CKV”. Because all entries in the filtered tree are highlighted, all failures that result in issues with the brake or warning lights are listed in the FMECA.
To the left of the text filter box is an icon that lets you change the way that failure effects are grouped and  alphabetically sorted within the tree. When the navigation tree is filled with FMECA Failures, for instance, the tree can be alphabetically sorted by failure, by object (with failures listed under the associated object branch) or by object attribute (that is, using the  Test limits from the first FMECA column that is based on an object attribute). This last option can be very useful if you are using a custom ID (such as an LCN number) to designate items in your FMECA. Combined with the text  filter box, you can easily display only FMECA rows that are associated with a given LCN.