


Differences from CAD/CAE Tools

At first glance, the eXpress software may appear to be similar to a CAD/CAE drawing tool. As one uses the tool, however, it quickly becomes apparent that eXpress is much more than that. The software extends what CAD tools model in many ways, including:
These extensions, along with the methodology maintained throughout the software, result in a tool that is useful at any stage of the Development process and support model based system engineering (MBSE) environments.  The ability exchange and share data interoperability between other engineering design and anlaysis tools, enables the eXpress software to be used in a collaborative / concurrent engineering environment. Using the eXpress software, the engineer can import data from various sources such as CAD/CAE, BOMs, Failure Rates, Failure Modes, Test Coverage, etc. and then conduct extensive analyses to determine where improvements and/or design options can be made.  The analytical results, reports and cumulative knowledge captured in eXpress can then be exported to other tools for re-purposing and reuse.  This can be extremely cost effective during the development of test programs sets, factory tests stations, acceptance testing and production checkout.   Further use is gained during the operational and maintenance phases of a program or system through optimized diagnostic test sequencing which reduces downtime, support equipment and skill levels required to conduct troubleshooting procedures.   For more information on the benefits of how eXpress can be applied to your specific project or program or just to discuss ideas you may have regarding alternative implementations, please contact DSI International.  We are here to help!