


Net Mapping

In the Name Mapping Report, the Net Mapping section provides a cross-reference table listing net abbreviations and either net descriptions or the Test limit of a selected net attribute. The following is an excerpt from an example mapping between abbreviations and descriptions:
Net Mapping
Net Abbreviation
Net Description
1553 Bus
Areo Surfaces
Charge current
Engine Temp.
Engine Temperature
Notice that, in this example model, net descriptions were largely omitted. The order in which the columns appear is based on the setting of the "Sort by Abbr." checkbox on the Name Mapping Report options dialog. In this example, the report is alphabetically sorted by abbreviation (which therefore appear in the column on the left and are hotlinked to the design). The following shows what this mapping would look like if alphabetically sorted by net description:
Net Mapping
Net Description
Net Abbreviation
Engine Temperature
Engine Temp.
1553 Bus
Areo Surfaces
Charge Current
In this example, the net description appears in the lefthand column (since this report is alphabetically sorted by description) and this column, rather than the abbreviation column, contains hotlinks to the design.