


Export FMECAs by Context

Feature Description 

For large hiearchical models the FMECA can be very deep vertically. An easier to read FMECA can be generated by using a TEXT Context Attribute that gives the Objects on each Assembly a designator. The resulting FMECA has a separate worksheets for each defined context
When choosing FMECA Options insure that the Attribute "Context" is moved into the configuration as shown here.
[Note: Not "Attribute::Context"]
If "Context" is added to an existing configuration to be reused, remember to Select "Update Configuration" when working with a FMECA to finalize it so the next time you make the FMECA it is already there.
Then select "Generate"
Export the resulting FMECA Exporting FMECA with "Separate worksheet for each Hierarchical context" selected
When exporting eXpress FMECA charts, the analyst now has the choice to export the rows related to each hierarchical context into a "separate worksheet tab" (when exporting to an Excel spreadsheet) or a "separate file" (when exporting using the CSV format).  
Note: You can only export by context when the optional “Context” column is included in the eXpress FMECA chart.   [Setup Context Attribute for each object that reflects its hierarchy in the system.]
The resulting Spreadsheet will show up with separate tabs for each context as shown below
Tabs can be renamed if desired to reflect names rather than index numbers.