


Model Structural Advice to make things easier

This model has been made to show the use of colors when modeling. This model was intentionally captured with ports showing.


1) "Visibility of the model is very important". Attempt to scale the model so the objects and Flag fonts are readable on the screen without zooming in. Having to zoom in can slow the process of modeling substantially. This is not always possible on large models and/or when modeling on Laptop computers but should be done if possible. Use Abbreviations where possible to reduce size of items. Power and Ground are normally stubbed to reduce busyness of the model.
2) "It is strongly recommended to use color coding" to distinguish different signal types within the model as shown above. It is also recommended to make Power, Ground, Air, Hydraulic or Communications (Ethernet, Canbus, RS485 etc.) nets into Pipes 3 wide so that when the net is stubbed the signal type is evident. The colors shown here do not necessarily need to be used. See Net Apperance Options
3) "Test points and LED's should not be made hierarchical". Just as in the real world these are tested where they are at; In express the test should be made where the test point or LED is at and the test should be hierarchical (not the device). Firmware and Software can also work as non-hierarchical items by making the upstream tests with user initiated or probe tests and bringing these tests to the top. (eXpress now has the capability to make F/W and S/W upstream tests and Object Effects using automatic means. See FPGA's & Processors )
4) Power Outputs of Circuit Breakers should always be bidirectional to reflect back to the trip testpoint of the device being powered.