


Pasting Design States


Feature Description

Design states that have been copied to the clipboard can be added to a design using the Paste operation. When pasted, the design state(s) are merged with existing design states in the design. Because this can result in multiple design state with the same name, the Analyst should review the final set of design states, renaming states as needed (Note: duplicate design state names can be easily identified in Grid View where color-coding is used to identify duplicate abbreviations). When pasting design states between designs, it must be remembered that design states will remain consistent to their original definition—because internal ids may differ from design to design, the selected object states may not remain consistent when a design state is copied to a different design.

How To Paste Design States

Right-click on the top-level "DESIGN STATES" folder in the Explorer Tree and select "Paste" from the pop-up context menu.
Alternative 1: Choose "Paste" from the Edit menu.
Alternative 2: Use the Paste icon on the Standard toolbar.