When DSI issues a license for a FlexNet license server The license file will be encoded to work with only one license host ID. A license host ID may be any of the following three system identifiers:
The user’s licensing administrator (i.e. usually an IT person) must configure the license file by adding:
The license file will have a line a the top of the license file that starts with token keyword “SERVER”.
Example: SERVER this_host 001385B6C032
The server line will have three distinct fields after the “SERVER” keyword:
Note: do not change the host ID.
The features licensed in the file are licensed to the license host ID in the file. To change the license host ID the user must request/receive a new license issued from DSI International, Inc.
Example Host IDs
Note: this field is optional.
The TCP/IP port that the FlexNet license server software will use to communicate with the client systems can be added after the license host ID. The TCP/IP port is optional. When excluded the license server will communicate with the client systems using the default FlexNet TCP/IP port.