The DiagML format was conceptualized mid 2001 by a consortium of public and private companies interested in producing a non-proprietary language for describing diagnostic procedures, design, tests, and data. Since then, DiagML has been used as a trusted and effective means to interchange comprehensive diagnostic data for a wide variety of highly complex applications in the Aerospace, Military and Transportation industries.
The root DiagML_Project element contains four main elements for storing diagnostic information. These include:
To download the most current version of the DiagML Schema, please click HERE (Must have Login Level 1 Access to download).
When formatted for static diagnostics, the DiagML project will include details about the diagnostic flow used to isolate to the fault groups in the diagnostics, and details about the items within the fault groups.
When formatted for dynamic diagnostics the DiagML project will include information about what the individual tests are capable of diagnostically learning when they are performed and information about the items, functions and failure modes that the tests are used to detect and isolate failures.
When formatted for STAGE the DiagML project will include all information required for static diagnostic reasoning. In addition, attributes that STAGE using to provide details about system aborts and false alarms is also included.
When formatted for the eXpress Design Viewer the DiagML project may include any or all available information that DiagML provides, the eXpress Design Viewer will use any information included to display the diagnostic design in the eXpress Design Viewer.
When formatted for DSI Workbench the DiagML project will include all details required for static diagnostics in addition to the appearance data necessary to display the eXpress design views in DSI Workbench. Additional information in component, test and fault group attributes may be included at the users discretion.
Any projects captured in the eXpress Diagnostic Engineering Tool can be exported either directly to DiagML or through DSI’s “Run-Time Authoring Tool”, or “RTAT” which can publish to Automatic Test Markup (ATML) family of standards (IEEE Std 1671-2010). ATML allows automatic test systems (ATS) and test information to be exchanged in a common format adhering to the extensible markup language (XML) standard.